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Turbocharged 4 Stack Gold Cube with Dream Mat Combos

Turbocharged 4 Stack Gold Cube with Dream Mat Combos


The Gold Cube 4-Stack with Dream Mat makes gold recovery easier, faster and with super efficient fine gold capture. 


Mix and Match any 4x mat combinations for various uses in the field and clean ups.

Run 2x the feed rate with more water flow to process more material and get more gold! No more baby scoops! No more overloading shallow conveyor belt. No more slow clean-outs!

Order your Turbo-Charged Gold Cube with an updated 1500 gph pump for running sandy material or use for clean ups.


Want to run your Gold Cube in Supercharge mode, upgrade to our larger 2000 gph pump to increase your feed rate and run up to 1/4" classified material.




*We take the standard 4-Stack Gold Cube and Turbo-Charge it by installing any 4X Dream Mat combination that you choose, using our AA 5051 Aircraft/Marine grade aluminum alloy Mat Hold Down Clamps and 80-8 Stainless Steel truss head screws. We upgrade the electric pump to a 1500 GPHr, hose and fittings and custom adjustable zinc plated stand.


Please Note: Gold Cube build out, population of Dream Cube Mats and installation requires 1 to 2 weeks for delivery.



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